(4)Alibaba,Made-In-China,Trade key;
通达世界各港口的整柜和散货拼箱服务,以及拖车,报关,仓储,提供做柜仓库,代做熏蒸,C/O,FORM A,埃及大使馆加签等单证服务;
集装箱运输(FCL):广州、香港及珠三角腹地为中心,辐射厦门、上海、宁波、青岛、天津、大连沿海各港,专业承揽整柜集装箱运输代理业务;我们与日本川崎汽船(K’ LINE)、美国总统(APL),太平船务(PIL),中国远洋(COSCO),万海(WANHAI),阳明(YANGMING),韩国现代(HYUNDAI),南美油轮(CSAV),香港立德荷兰船运(NDS)等各大船公司建立长期战略合作伙伴关系,在中东、印度、红海、澳洲、非洲、美洲,欧洲,日韩、东南亚等诸多航线上有明显优势,可为客户提供优质、专业、快捷的集装箱国际海运代理服务。
Container transport (FCL): Sinotech which HQ Based in Shenzhen and Perl River Delta region radiated the harbor of Hong Kong, Shanghai, Ningbo, Qingdao, Tianjin, Dalian and Xiamen. We have made better partnership with K’line, APL, PIL, COSCO, WHL, YML,HYUNDAI,NDS and other large shipping companies .In Middle East, Indian, Red Sea, Australia, Africa,America,Europ ,Japan,Korea and Southeast Asia, and many other routes, we can provide customers with high quality, professional, efficient container international shipping services. And many other routes.
1. 30多家国际班轮公司为您提供充足的舱位保障以及灵活的船期选择。
2. 先进的电子信息跟踪平台,让您可以实时追踪和了解货物陆运、报关和海上运输进程。
3. 高素质的海运专家团队,为您量身定制服务方案,满足您的各项需要。
4. 2万平方米的仓库和先进的电子仓储信息管理系统,最大限度地满足您的储运要求。
We can provide you with the following services:
1. More than 30 shipping lines to be provided adequate space for cargo as well as flexible schedules choice.
2. With advanced electronic information tracking platform, you can track your goods movement in real time, trucking transportation, customs clearance and shipping process.
3. Professional team of marine experts for your customized service solutions to meet your various needs.
4. 20,000 square meters of warehouse and advanced electronic warehousing information
Management system to maximize storage and transportation to meet your requirements.
(4)Alibaba,Made-In-China,Trade key;
通达世界各港口的整柜和散货拼箱服务,以及拖车,报关,仓储,提供做柜仓库,代做熏蒸,C/O,FORM A,埃及大使馆加签等单证服务;
集装箱运输(FCL):广州、香港及珠三角腹地为中心,辐射厦门、上海、宁波、青岛、天津、大连沿海各港,专业承揽整柜集装箱运输代理业务;我们与日本川崎汽船(K’ LINE)、美国总统(APL),太平船务(PIL),中国远洋(COSCO),万海(WANHAI),阳明(YANGMING),韩国现代(HYUNDAI),南美油轮(CSAV),香港立德荷兰船运(NDS)等各大船公司建立长期战略合作伙伴关系,在中东、印度、红海、澳洲、非洲、美洲,欧洲,日韩、东南亚等诸多航线上有明显优势,可为客户提供优质、专业、快捷的集装箱国际海运代理服务。
Container transport (FCL): Sinotech which HQ Based in Shenzhen and Perl River Delta region radiated the harbor of Hong Kong, Shanghai, Ningbo, Qingdao, Tianjin, Dalian and Xiamen. We have made better partnership with K’line, APL, PIL, COSCO, WHL, YML,HYUNDAI,NDS and other large shipping companies .In Middle East, Indian, Red Sea, Australia, Africa,America,Europ ,Japan,Korea and Southeast Asia, and many other routes, we can provide customers with high quality, professional, efficient container international shipping services. And many other routes.
1. 30多家国际班轮公司为您提供充足的舱位保障以及灵活的船期选择。
2. 先进的电子信息跟踪平台,让您可以实时追踪和了解货物陆运、报关和海上运输进程。
3. 高素质的海运专家团队,为您量身定制服务方案,满足您的各项需要。
4. 2万平方米的仓库和先进的电子仓储信息管理系统,最大限度地满足您的储运要求。
We can provide you with the following services:
1. More than 30 shipping lines to be provided adequate space for cargo as well as flexible schedules choice.
2. With advanced electronic information tracking platform, you can track your goods movement in real time, trucking transportation, customs clearance and shipping process.
3. Professional team of marine experts for your customized service solutions to meet your various needs.
4. 20,000 square meters of warehouse and advanced electronic warehousing information
Management system to maximize storage and transportation to meet your requirements.
2012/6/18 12:22发布:kiki | 分类:海运国外 | 评论:0 | 引用:0 | 浏览:
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