1、 中国-天津港、大连港、京唐港、鲅鱼圈港、烟台港,青岛港、连云港、上海港、张家港、南通港、镇江港、南京港等主要港口;
2、 韩国-仁川、群山、釜山、浦项、蔚山、昂山等;
3、 日本-大分、福山、神户、大阪、名古屋、东京、横滨、船桥等主要港口,日本海西岸新泻、富山、秋田等主要港口;
4、 俄罗斯远东地区的海参威、纳霍德卡、瓦尼诺等主要港口;
set up a network with subsidiaries widely located in Chinese main port cities and main domestic cities (Guangzhou,Shenzhen,Shanghai,Ningbo,Qingdao,Wuzhou... etc.) which could provide importers and exporters with our professional service for shipment between those and West Africa,South Africa,East Africa,Midedle-east,Australia ,Europe,North America,CIS countries,Red Sea and Intra Asia as well as concern detailed service for warehousing, customs declaration/clearance,commodity inspection...etc.Amonng these,WEST AFRICA and MIDDLE-EAST trades are our absolutel advantage service with years experience.
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