危险品出口运输是我司一大特色,可以承接除1 2类以外的所有全危半危危险品的整箱、拼箱和空运,欢迎来电咨询!!!
港口中文名: 费利克斯托
港口代码: GBFXT
港口缩写: FEL
经纬度: 51 ° 58'0"N,1 ° 21'0"E
时差: 0:00
泊位吃水: 13.4
海图号: 2693
港口类型: Seaport
港口大小: Large
FUEL:MARINE DIESEL AND GAS OIL 英国最大集装箱专业港。位于伦敦东北方百余公里的伊普斯威奇城东南,与哈里季隔河相望,临北海。哈里季为英国与比利时泽布腊赫之间的火车轮渡码头,滨临英吉利--北海国际航道要冲,背靠英格兰工业区。经过30年来的建设,已形成4个集装箱码头,7个集装箱泊位和3个滚装船码头,7个滚装船泊位的英国最大集装箱吞吐港。该区分布在斯都尔河入海口北岸,南距提尔伯里港61海里,距多佛尔港67海里距墩克尔克港83海里,距泽布腊赫港89海里,距安特卫普港150海里。码头顺岸发展,港口中心有一座从岸壁伸向主航道的石油栈桥,可停靠2.5万吨级油轮,栈桥南北两侧岸壁为滚装船、轮渡码头,再向两侧延伸是南侧的特利尼特集装箱码头和兰德古埃特集装箱码头,共计4个泊位,码头长1375米,总面积87公顷,水深9.8-13.4米,装有10台30-40吨装卸桥;北侧有当来集装箱码头和瓦尔顿集装箱码头,共计3个泊位,码头总长738米,总面积27公顷,水深11.6-11.9米,装有5台35-40吨装卸桥。
The Port of Felixstowe is southeast of Ipswich on the east coast of England, fronting on the River Orwell estuary in the historic county of Suffolk. It's the British port nearest to Rotterdam and Europoort. It existed there before the Norman Conquest and was critical to England's defense in 1667 when the Dutch failed to win Landguard Fort.
Port History
The Port of Felixstowe became an important port in 1886. With the opening of the Felixstowe rail station, it became a popular resort during the Victorian period when the German imperial family visited and remained popular until almost 1940.
Before World War II, the Port of Felixstowe's pier was one of the longest in the world and had its own train. During the war, it was intentionally demolished so that enemy troops could not use it as a landing point. After the war, the pier was never repaired and, by the end of the century, it was closed to the public. Felixstowe was one of the few places the Italians bombed during World War II, but the RAF made quick work of Mussolini's airforce.
Port Commerce
The Port of Felixstowe is among England's top three ports, and it handles 35% of all container traffic. In 2005, it was the 29th busiest port in the world and the 6th busiest in Europe. It can handle over 3.7 million containers a year. The navigation channel is 14.5 meters deep, 15 meters deep along its continuous 2.3 kilometer quay. The deep-water Port of Felixstowe can handle the largest post-Panamax vessels.
Hutchison Shampoa Ltd. owns the port, but most of the land is owned by Trinity College in Cambridge. The Port of Felixstowe has its own police department. It is the largest container port in the United Kingdom and one of Europe's largest.
The Port of Felixstowe's Trinity Terminal occupies 124.3 hectares and can handle 97 thousand TEUs of containerized cargo. The Landguard Terminal occupies 27.9 hectares and can handle 11 thousand TEUs. The Dooley RO-RO Terminal covers 3.4 hectares and includes two cargo-handling quays. The north and south components of Rail Terminal 45 has capacity to handle 195 tons of cargo.
港口中文名: 费利克斯托
港口代码: GBFXT
港口缩写: FEL
经纬度: 51 ° 58'0"N,1 ° 21'0"E
时差: 0:00
泊位吃水: 13.4
海图号: 2693
港口类型: Seaport
港口大小: Large
FUEL:MARINE DIESEL AND GAS OIL 英国最大集装箱专业港。位于伦敦东北方百余公里的伊普斯威奇城东南,与哈里季隔河相望,临北海。哈里季为英国与比利时泽布腊赫之间的火车轮渡码头,滨临英吉利--北海国际航道要冲,背靠英格兰工业区。经过30年来的建设,已形成4个集装箱码头,7个集装箱泊位和3个滚装船码头,7个滚装船泊位的英国最大集装箱吞吐港。该区分布在斯都尔河入海口北岸,南距提尔伯里港61海里,距多佛尔港67海里距墩克尔克港83海里,距泽布腊赫港89海里,距安特卫普港150海里。码头顺岸发展,港口中心有一座从岸壁伸向主航道的石油栈桥,可停靠2.5万吨级油轮,栈桥南北两侧岸壁为滚装船、轮渡码头,再向两侧延伸是南侧的特利尼特集装箱码头和兰德古埃特集装箱码头,共计4个泊位,码头长1375米,总面积87公顷,水深9.8-13.4米,装有10台30-40吨装卸桥;北侧有当来集装箱码头和瓦尔顿集装箱码头,共计3个泊位,码头总长738米,总面积27公顷,水深11.6-11.9米,装有5台35-40吨装卸桥。
The Port of Felixstowe is southeast of Ipswich on the east coast of England, fronting on the River Orwell estuary in the historic county of Suffolk. It's the British port nearest to Rotterdam and Europoort. It existed there before the Norman Conquest and was critical to England's defense in 1667 when the Dutch failed to win Landguard Fort.
Port History
The Port of Felixstowe became an important port in 1886. With the opening of the Felixstowe rail station, it became a popular resort during the Victorian period when the German imperial family visited and remained popular until almost 1940.
Before World War II, the Port of Felixstowe's pier was one of the longest in the world and had its own train. During the war, it was intentionally demolished so that enemy troops could not use it as a landing point. After the war, the pier was never repaired and, by the end of the century, it was closed to the public. Felixstowe was one of the few places the Italians bombed during World War II, but the RAF made quick work of Mussolini's airforce.
Port Commerce
The Port of Felixstowe is among England's top three ports, and it handles 35% of all container traffic. In 2005, it was the 29th busiest port in the world and the 6th busiest in Europe. It can handle over 3.7 million containers a year. The navigation channel is 14.5 meters deep, 15 meters deep along its continuous 2.3 kilometer quay. The deep-water Port of Felixstowe can handle the largest post-Panamax vessels.
Hutchison Shampoa Ltd. owns the port, but most of the land is owned by Trinity College in Cambridge. The Port of Felixstowe has its own police department. It is the largest container port in the United Kingdom and one of Europe's largest.
The Port of Felixstowe's Trinity Terminal occupies 124.3 hectares and can handle 97 thousand TEUs of containerized cargo. The Landguard Terminal occupies 27.9 hectares and can handle 11 thousand TEUs. The Dooley RO-RO Terminal covers 3.4 hectares and includes two cargo-handling quays. The north and south components of Rail Terminal 45 has capacity to handle 195 tons of cargo.
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