In order to provide our customers competitive and customized logistics project with the point to point service, we have formed our service network in China's three major economic circles and the most active import and export areas, namely the Pearl River Delta , Yangtze River Delta andthe Bohai economic rim.
We have a deep knowledge of details in the logistics chain and concentrate on them for the reason that they are the determinant of the quality. And the experienced management group, efficient and reliable management techonology , strong customer relation and flexible railway route plan are our competitive advantages to meet our customers needs.
Your choice is what we are looking forward to and your satisfaction our biggest pursuit!是经国家航空、交通、工商等部门批准注册成立的一级货运代理企业(工商注册号440121000058076)主营:国际快递、国际空运、国 际海运、中港运输。国际快递方面与DHL、UPS、FEDEX、TNT、EMS及多条专线的航空公司深度合作,致力于为同行、国际贸易公司、代购公司、生 产企业及个人提供国际快件门到门服务,派件遍布世界200多个国家及地区。国际空运方面近年我司先后成为CZ、LH、AF、KL、UPS、TG、OZ、 FX、AA 、QF、TK、EK 航空公司的VIP会员及部分包板成员,在保证舱位的同时让客户得到更优惠的价格。海运方面:我司与COSCO(中远)、WHL(万海)是经国家商务部批准的主营国际快递和空运进出口运
递快递、国际空运等运输服务。公司以“用心服务 安全快捷”为宗旨,为客户提供优质的服
We have a deep knowledge of details in the logistics chain and concentrate on them for the reason that they are the determinant of the quality. And the experienced management group, efficient and reliable management techonology , strong customer relation and flexible railway route plan are our competitive advantages to meet our customers needs.
Your choice is what we are looking forward to and your satisfaction our biggest pursuit!是经国家航空、交通、工商等部门批准注册成立的一级货运代理企业(工商注册号440121000058076)主营:国际快递、国际空运、国 际海运、中港运输。国际快递方面与DHL、UPS、FEDEX、TNT、EMS及多条专线的航空公司深度合作,致力于为同行、国际贸易公司、代购公司、生 产企业及个人提供国际快件门到门服务,派件遍布世界200多个国家及地区。国际空运方面近年我司先后成为CZ、LH、AF、KL、UPS、TG、OZ、 FX、AA 、QF、TK、EK 航空公司的VIP会员及部分包板成员,在保证舱位的同时让客户得到更优惠的价格。海运方面:我司与COSCO(中远)、WHL(万海)是经国家商务部批准的主营国际快递和空运进出口运
递快递、国际空运等运输服务。公司以“用心服务 安全快捷”为宗旨,为客户提供优质的服
2015/1/15 11:18发布:admin | 分类:空运企业 | 评论:0 | 引用:0 | 浏览:17
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