In order to better serve all TCG customers, TCG has started TCG mode of freight management, we nominate one person for each customers, all TCG customers will get full informations by asking their own customer service, TCG hopes this way can make customer easily control their shipments, this is also a reason for a lot of customers to choose TCG as their business partner.
TCG is trying to let you know, we serve more than a logistic company should do, you will definitely like TCG as long as you give us a chance to serve you!陆路服务:拖柜装货、仓储装卸。经营省内、香港、澳门陆运服务;省内监管车运输;专业香港至内地包清关关税门至门服务;可代客入港澳码头、机场仓;提供国际空、海运的相关短途陆运运输。

5,其他服务:代理报关、商检、进出口核销单证、代办植检、熏蒸、消毒、代办产地证(CO、FORM A)、使馆认证(香港、北京加签)、香港纺织品转口证明(LICENSE)、货物运输保险等。

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