Professional customs clearance team: Different from traditional logistic companies, our customers will not be lost in multi-choices of ports. Our professional customs clearance team will work out individual customs clearance plan for you and help you get it done.
Free shooting: We prove free shooting service for all your goods and receipts during the process of weighting and packaging.
Direct Shipping:All the goods will be shipped directly to your doors without any transshipment and additional charges.
Free return and exchange service: We are the first and the only one logistic company that help customers to exchange goods without charging any procedure fees in addition to mailing fees.
Free Insurance: We provide insurance for goods as low as 3% coverage rates for goods that are valued less than RMB 10000.
Free oversea warehousing space: We provide free individual oversea warehousing space, which could be tracked online.
Service, time and quality are the focus of our unremitting efforts. We deeply believe in the business philosophy of serving customers with very best virtues, operating service with honesty and providing price with thoughtfulness.
Thank you very much for your interest. We wish you a pleasant shopping experience and may you a beautiful day. 进出口代理是指对于有货物进出口需求的客户,由于对进出口业务的不熟悉或者是没有进出口权,通过高瑞代办进口、出口的贸易服务业务。进出口代理由高瑞操作,在进出口的过程中,高瑞作为发货人或者收货人签订贸易合同,在操作过程中收取一定服务费,但一般不承担信用、汇兑和市场风险,不拥有进出口商品的所有权,同时可提供退税融资,进口关税代垫等服务,进出口代理细分为进口代理和出口代理。
2019/1/6 18:01发布:admin | 分类:海运国外 | 评论:0 | 引用:0 | 浏览:15
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