We are a freight forwarder and customs broker offering complete door-to-door transportation services around the world. Headquartered in Taipei, Taiwan, we have offices, affiliates, and agents throughout the Asia.Our Dry Bulk Department specialise in dry bulk cargo chartering (coal, iron ore, bauxite, nickel ore, manganese ore, tapioca chips, cement, fertilizer) in the route of Southeast Asia and the Indian-PG area.
Annually we charter about 100 vessels to carry the dry bulk cargo, and coal, iron ore and tapioca chips transportation have been our main products, which is more than 4,000,000MT of total volume.
We will try our best to provide best service for the dry bulk transportation to our clients.今晋身为国家一级货代。以立足珠海,服务港澳珠三角,面向全世界为经营方向,主打珠三角起步至世界各地的全程海运,珠海至深圳拖车及国际空运。 多年的历练,深深感悟到"客户的需求,就是我们的职责",并重视沟通,强调服务,提倡并执行"一次性满足客户需求,把每位客人都视为VIP"。 同时,我们也深切地体会到,今天的世盈,离不开众多客户多年来默默的支持与信赖,藉此喜庆的日子,我们对所有的客户致以衷心的感谢和无尽的祝福。 精益求精,追求卓越,世盈全体仝仁,承前启后,将优质资源整合并以服务顾客为已任,与您们共同携手,共创更辉煌的明天! 主要业务:国际海运、国际空运、国际快递、珠三角拖车 澳门专线:珠三角到澳门3吨车、5吨车、8吨车、10吨车、12吨车、20尺拖车、40尺拖车等 澳门进口、台湾快递,空运等;香港进口; 国内水运(珠三角到全国各内陆港口的内贸柜)门到门服务
We are a freight forwarder and customs broker offering complete door-to-door transportation services around the world. Headquartered in Taipei, Taiwan, we have offices, affiliates, and agents throughout the Asia.Our Dry Bulk Department specialise in dry bulk cargo chartering (coal, iron ore, bauxite, nickel ore, manganese ore, tapioca chips, cement, fertilizer) in the route of Southeast Asia and the Indian-PG area.
Annually we charter about 100 vessels to carry the dry bulk cargo, and coal, iron ore and tapioca chips transportation have been our main products, which is more than 4,000,000MT of total volume.
We will try our best to provide best service for the dry bulk transportation to our clients.今晋身为国家一级货代。以立足珠海,服务港澳珠三角,面向全世界为经营方向,主打珠三角起步至世界各地的全程海运,珠海至深圳拖车及国际空运。 多年的历练,深深感悟到"客户的需求,就是我们的职责",并重视沟通,强调服务,提倡并执行"一次性满足客户需求,把每位客人都视为VIP"。 同时,我们也深切地体会到,今天的世盈,离不开众多客户多年来默默的支持与信赖,藉此喜庆的日子,我们对所有的客户致以衷心的感谢和无尽的祝福。 精益求精,追求卓越,世盈全体仝仁,承前启后,将优质资源整合并以服务顾客为已任,与您们共同携手,共创更辉煌的明天! 主要业务:国际海运、国际空运、国际快递、珠三角拖车 澳门专线:珠三角到澳门3吨车、5吨车、8吨车、10吨车、12吨车、20尺拖车、40尺拖车等 澳门进口、台湾快递,空运等;香港进口; 国内水运(珠三角到全国各内陆港口的内贸柜)门到门服务
2019/2/3 14:12发布:admin | 分类:海运国外 | 评论:0 | 引用:0 | 浏览:15
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