於中国的上、中、下三方均有了自已的据点,形成了一个强大的全国性运作网络。 集团积极拓展服务领域,提供一系列多元化物流服务,除了空运外,还有海运、陆运、多式联运、货物清关、保险、仓储、货物分送及物流管理服务等。凭借多年的运作经验,拥有成熟的业务网络,通过严格科学与人性化管理,配备先进的自动化系统,将繁复的运作过程变得简单、高效而无误。 「航都」也是以下几个专业机构的会员: 1. 香港货运业协会有限公司 ( HAFFA ) 1985年加入 2. 国际航空协会 ( IATA ) 1986年加入 3. 香港付货人委员会 1989年加入 4. 香港总商会 1990年加入 5. 国际货运代理协会 ( FIATA ) 1991年加入 6. 香港出口商会 1993年加入。 7. 中国航空运输协会 ( CATA ) 1999年加入 8. 无船承运人资格登记( NVOCC ) 2007年加入 AIR-CITY总部设在香港及纽约,在中国各主要城市设有13个分公司,如厦门、天津、北京、大连、青岛、上海、杭州、宁波、福州、深圳、广州、重庆、泉州;此外,我们还有许多海外代理等长期合作伙伴,遍布全球(member of globalink)。
“南向北联 通江达海”。广西广亚国际货运有限公司全体员工认真负责地对待每一票货物和每一个环节。公司拥有一支高素质的专业团队,构建了完善的货运代理网络,以海运、铁路、公路、空运等多种运输方式,为客户提供“门到门”全流程一站式运输服务;同时提供上门提货、仓储、分拨、包装、配送、运输等专业综合物流服务;以及专业代理进出口货物运输、一体化供应链和整体物流服务。凭借我们对货运、物流市场的深刻理解,优秀的管理模式及先进的网络,赢得众多海内外公司的信任与密切合作。
MCB was established in Chicago, USA as the Headquarters, and has more than decades of experience in the freight forwarding and logistics market, providing a full range of services required for door to door cargo transportation, including:
-Warehousing Services
-Customs Services
-Logistics Services
-Agency Services
-Trade Services
-Consulting Services
The services scope covers international and domestic air transport, FCL, LCL, bulk cargo transport, multi-modal transport, warehouse, customs brokerage, import and export business. Our logistics network is all around the world with its services of providing clearance, DDU, DDP, freight collect, transshipment and import services. Our overseas partner network ranges from Europe, North America, South-East Asia, Middle East, South America and Africa.
Our mission is to Moving Cargo Best. Please feel free to contact us, and we will be delighted to answer your inquiries!
“南向北联 通江达海”。广西广亚国际货运有限公司全体员工认真负责地对待每一票货物和每一个环节。公司拥有一支高素质的专业团队,构建了完善的货运代理网络,以海运、铁路、公路、空运等多种运输方式,为客户提供“门到门”全流程一站式运输服务;同时提供上门提货、仓储、分拨、包装、配送、运输等专业综合物流服务;以及专业代理进出口货物运输、一体化供应链和整体物流服务。凭借我们对货运、物流市场的深刻理解,优秀的管理模式及先进的网络,赢得众多海内外公司的信任与密切合作。
MCB was established in Chicago, USA as the Headquarters, and has more than decades of experience in the freight forwarding and logistics market, providing a full range of services required for door to door cargo transportation, including:
-Warehousing Services
-Customs Services
-Logistics Services
-Agency Services
-Trade Services
-Consulting Services
The services scope covers international and domestic air transport, FCL, LCL, bulk cargo transport, multi-modal transport, warehouse, customs brokerage, import and export business. Our logistics network is all around the world with its services of providing clearance, DDU, DDP, freight collect, transshipment and import services. Our overseas partner network ranges from Europe, North America, South-East Asia, Middle East, South America and Africa.
Our mission is to Moving Cargo Best. Please feel free to contact us, and we will be delighted to answer your inquiries!
2020/3/23 14:46发布:admin | 分类:空运货代 | 评论:0 | 引用:0 | 浏览:19
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